Tuesday, September 30, 2008

be careful of your mouth! it's deadly...!

read James 3:9-10

in bahasa Indonesia, Yakobus 3:9-10...

"Dengan lidah kita memuji Tuhan, Bapa kita; dan dengan lidah kita mengutuk manusia yang diciptakan menurut rupa Allah, dari mulut yang satu keluar berkat dan kutuk. Hal ini, saudara-saudaraku, tidak boleh demikian terjadi."

remember the part recording Jesus cursed the fig tree?... just by words, spoken out from His mouth... the fig tree withered the nex morning!

in Markus 11:23 (Mark), Jesus in reply to His deciple, said,

"Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya barangsiapa berkata kepada gunung ini: Beranjaklah dan tercampaklah ke dalam laut! Asal tidak bimbang hatinya, tetapi percaya, bahwa apa yang dikatakannya itu akan terjadi, maka hal itu akan terjadi baginya"

in Genesis, God created everything just by words alone!

'let there be light..' and there is the light shining forth
'let there be...' ...plants of any kind... animals, fishes, birds... stars, moon, sun... and there goes everything, created out from nothingness!

Just by WORDS... in faith, in believing they were all created!

and God said, 'let us make man in our image and likeness...' so here we are, made in His image and likeness, meaning we have, somehow, the abilities God have!

we are creative, because God is creative!
we love, because God is the love itself!
we have emotions, because God have it too!
we speak words, because God is not mute!
and the words we speak forth, do having a certain influence to the environment and ourselves! Just like God's words have the power to do all these miracles!

therefore, be careful of our words, said to others!
no more, 'stupid', 'die', 'go hell', 's**t' and many those bad, discouraging, taboo etc words...

"dare to be different for Christ!", keep this in mind, my brothers and sisters.

in Efesus 4:29 (Ephesians), it's written...

"Janganlah ada perkataan kotor keluar dari mulutmu, tetapi pakailah perkataan yang baik untuk membangun, di mana perlu, supaya mereka yang mendengarnya, beroleh kasih karunia."

God be your wisdom! God's blessings flow out from the Heaven through Jesus Christ into your life, in His Spirit, praise the Lord, Lord of our life and Lord of all. Amen!